Where to go on vacation?

Holidays in the USA and other countries

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Holidays in Arizona USA

  On this page we will introduce you to the US state of Arizona. This is a beautiful state in the northwestern United States with beautiful nature, rivers, deserts and mountains. There is something to see and admire here. Mountainous terrain, there are caves, and in addition to beautiful nature, there are many more historical monuments and historical places. Let's watch an interesting video about the sights of Arizona, and you will learn a lot of interesting things that you didn’t know before:


  Arizona is a great canyon state located in the southwestern United States. Most of its territory is occupied by massive rocky mountains with dull white foothills, fantastic reddish deserts, majestic canyons. It is here that the famous Grand Canyon is located, which tourists from all over the world come to see. Among the desert landscapes of Arizona, there are bright spots of incredibly beautiful green valleys. Impressive meteorite crater, pristine nature of national parks, emerald waterfalls, crystal clear rivers and lakes - all this attracts thrill-seekers to Arizona. Here you can see the life of real Indian tribes, admire the buildings of Spanish and Mexican architecture, visit unique museums and appreciate traditional American cuisine.

  You can see the cities of Arizona yourself on the map and you can find all the places on the navigator yourself, and now let's just dwell on what places in Arizona a tourist should visit.

  1. See Phoenix City Hall. One of the most beautiful buildings in the state was built in the 1990s in the style of postmodernism. Climb to the observation deck of the 112-meter building and admire the panorama that opens up.

  2. Walk through the historic district of El Presidio in Tucson. This is the old part of the city, where you can see restored mansions and a mid-19th century market. Visit the gallery quarter, go to souvenir and jewelry stores, colorful cafes and restaurants.

  3. Impressed by the chapel of the Holy Cross near Sedona. An amazing Catholic church seems to grow out of blood-red rocks, supported on the facade by a huge cross. Some believe that the chapel was built at the place where the strong energy flows of the planet pass.

  4. Spend a day at the Grand Canyon National Park. The largest canyon on the planet began to form 75 million years ago. Before the Europeans met, the Pueblo Indians lived in the caves.

  5. Admire the colored desert in northern Arizona. Magnificent colored hills stretch along the Little Colorado River, forming red, lilac, yellow, blue and white stripes. It gives the impression of an amazing rainbow that has descended to the ground.

  6. Look at the famous Arizona horseshoe near the city of Page. An unusual bend in the Colorado River, in the form of a horseshoe, appeared about 5 million years ago. This is a favorite place for photo shoots of tourists, where fantastic pictures are obtained.

  7. Visit the Saguaro National Park. It is here that more than 50 species of cacti grow, among which there are huge specimens. If you go to the western part of the park, you can see the stone petroglyphs of the ancient Hohokam culture.

  8. Go on a jeep tour through the desert landscapes of Arizona. During your trip, admire incredible views reminiscent of the scenery of a science fiction movie, look into the amazing corners of canyons and deserts.

  9. Go down the track at the Arizona Snowbowl ski resort - near the city of Flagstaff. There are 32 tracks of different difficulty levels.

  10. Try traditional dishes. Order fried cornbread with minced beef, cheese and beans, or meat cooked over an open fire. For dessert, you can enjoy local freshly baked waffles with fresh fruits and berries.

  Well, that's it, now you have guidance on where to go in Arizona. Other sights of the United States you can see on the links on this page. Have a nice trip!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Holiday prices in the USA

  Summer is coming, a wonderful and wonderful time to relax. And quite naturally, the question arises among lovers of summer vacations regarding the prices of vacations. After all, a lot of things will depend on the prices, whether you fit into your budget or not, which means you will go to rest exactly where you want, or not ...

  It is worth saying a few generalized phrases first. If you are in the United States and you are not going to travel anywhere outside of it, then this will be the right choice. Indeed, unlike countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Norway or Canada, the United States has all the sights at any time of the year. And if at any time of the year you choose a country for your vacation, even in winter, then the USA is a great choice. There are all the sights and charms for a holiday at any time of the year. There are mountains and the sea, canyons and beautiful rivers, as well as many wonderful places for recreation created by man.

  Now closer to the topic. Regarding prices, we will not dwell on various kinds of natural companies and will not advertise them here. We will give you information in a nutshell. All travel companies in order to make money on you. You don't have to contact them. So no matter how you rest, wherever you go, a vacation through a travel company will cost you almost twice as much as when you rent a car and drive on your own. And yes, for those visitors who do not know yet, in the USA in any city you can rent a car and drive it to the forehead point of the country.

  And so, if you are already here on our site, then we offer you this option ... On this site you see links to a description of almost all the main and wonderful places to stay, as well as US attractions. You just follow the links, check out these places, choose what you like best for your vacation, and then rent a car from any city in the USA and go to the place of your choice. Just do not think that no one is waiting for you there. Everywhere there are recreation centers, hotels, guides, do not think that you are not expected. It will be for you almost two times cheaper than contacting any travel company.

  Decide further for yourself, choose a place to relax that you like and good luck to you! Have a nice holiday!

Friday, May 12, 2023

Summer holidays in the usa

  Undoubtedly, summer is a wonderful time of the year, a time for vacations, vacations and of course travel. And you can’t argue with the fact that it’s not very interesting to stay at home in the summer. You need to take advantage of the moment and go somewhere to rest. Just where exactly? That is why our website was created to help you with this. Here we will give you a hint on where to go on vacation in the summer in the USA.

  If we talk specifically about the country of the United States, then this is a unique country where you can relax and have places to go at any time of the year. Even in winter, you can easily lay back and bask on the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico. Only here in the summer especially. This special time of the year opens up more opportunities for us to relax. You can go on vacation not only to the Gulf of Mexico, but also to relax on the beaches of both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. And in general, if you live in the northern part of the United States, then you don’t have to travel far at all. In the summer in the US, it is warm almost everywhere.

  And in general, is it worth it to go to the sea or to the ocean, if you can have a great rest in summer in other places. For example, on the banks of the Colorado River near the famous Grand Canyon, or on the banks of the Mississippi River near the equally famous Niagara Falls. But this is if we talk specifically about outdoor recreation. And how many recreational establishments, attractions, zoos and various attractions in general are in the USA ... You can’t count everything.

  Our site will help you decide on a place to stay. Just go through the pages of this site and choose a place to your liking. Then you do not have to use the services of a stupid company at all, just get in the car and drive to the place of rest that suits you the most.

  Well, that's all, we are glad that you came to us. We hope that our site will help you and will be for you as a guide to America. Good luck, peace and love!

Monday, May 8, 2023

Where to go on vacation with children?

  Where to go on vacation with children? Many people ask this question when the need arises. And such a need arises sooner or later for every person in life. Especially among Americans who love to travel, and children need to be taken with them.

  And so, if you are ready to rent a car and go on a trip, then you first need to decide on the route. The route of course depends on where you start from and where you want to go. And in order to point you to such places, to help you with the choice of such places, this site was created for this.

  If you look closely at the links on the right side of this site, or on mobile devices, open the links at the top of the page, you will see links to individual places of interest in the United States. Next, open Google maps and just start planning your route around America.

  Choose the places you want to visit. If you are planning a trip with children, then choose places where it will be interesting for you and your children. For you, picturesque places where beautiful nature may be more interesting, and for your children all kinds of amusement parks, where there are attractions and swimming pools. It will be useful for children to visit the sea, breathe in ionized air near the waterfalls, and it will also be informative to visit some historical place.

  The final decision is yours, of course, and our site was created for you as a guide, where you can see photos of these places and read their descriptions.

  From what we recommend you to visit with your children, this is the famous Disney film studio, Sea World Park in San Diego, and there is also a wonderful zoo in San Diego.

  Well, that's all, good luck and interesting adventures!

Holidays at sea, where to go?

  If you live in the USA and still cannot decide where to go to relax at sea, then our site will help you make this choice.

  First you need to decide whether you want to relax on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, or maybe the Atlantic Ocean, and at what time of the year? For example, if it is winter now, then it is most likely that you don’t need to go to the beaches of the Pacific Ocean in California. Because it's cold there. But the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico in Florida are worth paying attention to.

  The coast of the Gulf of Mexico washes the states of Texas, Louisiana, Michigan, Florida. But if you are interested in a seaside vacation in the winter, then pay attention to the state of Florida. Since this state lies to the south and it is always warm there. In addition, this state on the east side is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean, which differs from the Pacific Ocean only in that there are more storms, and in no way inferior to the Pacific Ocean. In addition, the body of the Gulf Stream flows through the Gulf of Mexico, due to part of which it is always warm here.

  To go to the sea, you do not have to contact any travel company. You just need to rent a car (if you don’t have your own) and go on a trip around the country. And then, upon arrival at the seaside resort, rent a room in a boarding house, and just start enjoying your vacation.

  That's all, good luck and enjoy your vacation at sea!

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Where to go on vacation with a girl in the USA?

  The USA is a very beautiful and big country in the world. There are many attractions and options for where to go with a girl on vacation, too. Nevertheless, we on this site will help you decide on this, we will do our best for this.

  And so, you have a girlfriend and you need to take her somewhere to rest. You want to surprise her and make her happy. What do you need to do first? Naturally, first of all, you need to find out from her as much as possible what she likes, what her preferences are and where she would agree to go.

  Just imagine, what if she loves not nature or seaside holidays, but loves art and quiet museums. Yes, there are such ladies, so do not make a mistake in choosing a place to stay. And the second option: what if she has already been there in the place where you will go with her? This is also not excluded, so find out everything from her as much as possible about this, and only then choose a place for a joint holiday.

  And so, you learned from her the maximum amount of information about her preferences, and now you just have to choose a place to stay, the most magnificent with which you can surprise her. And there are just too many places like this in the US. The USA has warm seas, oceans, mountains, canyons, as well as quiet museums and bustling metropolitan areas.

  Now you just have to make your choice. And to do it, follow the links on the right, study each place carefully. There is a detailed description of these places of interest for recreation, just click on the link that interests you. And then, get into the car and go on an adventure! Just remember to take your girlfriend with you. Good luck to you!

  And if you don't have a girlfriend yet, then click here to get acquainted: CLICK HERE!

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Where to go on vacation in the USA

And so, where to go on vacation in the USA? The country of the USA is huge, it has many attractions. First you need to decide on your interests. Whether you want to go on vacation by the sea, or prefer to relax in noisy attractions It's up to you. The country of the USA is very rich in sights. In the USA there is a sea and mountains, there are attractions, museums and zoos. It is very difficult to make a clear choice. You can rent a car and go anywhere. There are a lot of interesting things in front of you.
Just look how beautiful it is. I just can't believe that nature can create such beauty. There is no such nature in any country in the world. the famous Grand Canyon. Here are some more photos of him.
Lovely beauty. There is a river and mountains with red rocks that are pleasing to the eye. The Grand Canyon is located in Arizona, and the Colorado River flows through it. this is a place you really should visit if you live or travel in the Americas. Now you know where to go, and let's look at some more photos of that beautiful place.
Canyon looks different in different seasons and different times of the day. The Grand Canyon is just one example of many options where you can go on vacation in the USA. There are many more similar places in the USA, and it's up to you to choose. And our site will help you in choosing. Follow the links on the right and explore the sights of the United States. Choose the place where you would like to visit. Then just read its description and go on an adventure!

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Where to go on vacation in the USA and beyond

  Is it time to go on holiday? Perhaps this is one of the best decisions in your life. Now you just need to choose where to go: to the sea, to the mountains, to the desert, or maybe to the exotic forests of the Amazon. It's up to you, and we'll help you decide. And in order to make a choice, you just need to get acquainted with the information about the sights. View photos, videos, read about it. To do this, just follow the links on the right or at the top and get acquainted with useful information.
  There are many beautiful places in the world!

  As you can see, the United States is a beautiful country and America is a beautiful continent. There are a lot of attractions and things to see. But where exactly to go to travel or where to go on vacation - you decide for yourself.
  Just decide your taste and choice first. Whether you like picturesque nature, or quiet museums, relaxing by the sea, or maybe you like bright, colorful and fun attractions. There are many interesting and beautiful things in the world, both in America itself and on other continents. Information about wonderful places to relax in other countries can also be found on the links on our website.

The most interesting thing on the site:

Capitol Reef - National Park:
  A huge reef with a groove in the Earth's crust. Beautiful marginal habitats, beautiful nature. Wonderful vacation for tourists, fresh air, exotic. Read more →

Statue of Liberty:
  If you are fans of history, architecture, and the country's National Landmarks, start with a tour of the famous Statue of Liberty. This is the very first architectural symbol of a free America. Read more →

Xanadu Meadowlands:
  Xanadu Meadowlands - the newest center in America, located near New York, New Jersey, which offers many activities: shopping, world-class restaurants, cinemas, fashion shows and outdoor activities. A great place for families and friends. Read more →

Beaches of the Gulf of Mexico:
  What could be more beautiful from a vacation in fashion. Healthy sea air, water, sunbathing, and many pleasant experiences. The beaches of the Gulf of Mexico are always warm, even in winter. Read more →

Vacation at Disneyland:
  Disneyland is a great place to vacation with kids. And not only children, but you yourself will gain a lot of pleasant emotions at Disneyland. It will be an unforgettable, fabulous trip. Read more →

Museum of European Culture:
  If you love museums and history and culture in general, then you will be interested in visiting the Madame Tussauds Museum. It is a real museum of European culture. Read more →

Times Square - New York City:
  Do you like walking around the city at night? Are you attracted by the many bright lights and nightlife venues? Then Times Square in New York City is the place for you. Read more →

Holidays in Arizona USA

&nbsp On this page we will introduce you to the US state of Arizona. This is a beautiful state in the northwestern United States wi...